Szymon commented Jul 22, 2016

I was thinking if it is possible to implement a feature which is totally not related with Gmail but can be very useful.

When I used Yathit I realised it handles search of the records much better than sugar.

When suggested records show, sugar apparently uses full names and searches are made from the beginning of the name. In this on the other side, auto suggestions show that search uses any word in a name.

Do you think you make yathit to do the suggestions in the sugar fields? I know it would be great productivity enhancement, but I also see difficulties in the implementation...

Szymon commented Jul 25, 2016

In sugar email module there is 'Create case' option. Would that be possible to add that to yathit? Also, it would be useful to have 'Create contact' button as one of the email options (preferably not in the same menu as 'Archive e-mail', because during record creation you need an access to contact details in an email message. For example one can need to copy phone numbers from signature).

Szymon commented Aug 3, 2016

If it was possible to make Yathit widget (the one that can slide from the right side of Gmail page) available on CRM page, it would be a huge improvement.

User could:

  • add new records while viewing other records. For example, I can create case while reading a note from other user or listening to recorded call (we have asterisk integration)
  • use Yathit search engine which is faster
  • have a view of upcoming activities from Yathit available. In CRM they would have to navigate to the corresponding account, module or to the Dashboard.

It would be a good start for the evolution of Yathit into an extension of the user interface. Yathit could be doing things that are not properly developed in CRM or being a shortcut for some minor and major tasks.

Szymon commented Feb 2, 2017

When a user adds many new objects to the CRM and has a lot of emails at the same time, sync between CRM and Yathit is sometimes too slow, and the relations wouldn't load. I suggest placing Update Now button in all popup windows of Yathit. But it should be correctly signed: You cannot load newly created record relation? <now the button> UPDATE NOW